Small Space

This is a space for families of 0-4's to gather as community for support, encouragement & fun in the early years of your little ones life. A new initiative, we will be open 10-11:30 every Thursday (except holidays).

The team from Cairns Road is largely made up of volunteers who will be on hand to give you a warm welcome to small space each week. You will find other families at a similar stage to you, a simple selection of toys for your little one to play with, drinks, biscuits and fruit.
You will also get to meet a very special member of our team - our resident toy puppy! Mr Barker - he is very excited to meet you and will be sharing something different with us each week it could be a story, a song or craft each introducing a theme. Our themes will help all of us big or small to think and wonder about a range of things like; the the beautiful world God has given us to live in, our families & friends and how we treat others or how God has made each of us unique and special.

You can drop by any time between 10am and 11:30am and stay for as long as you like. Mr Barker will be joining us each week around 11am. We are asking for £2 a week to cover refreshements. If this cost is difficult for you at this time though please pick up a counter from the table in the foyer instead and you can descreetly pop that in the box instead. 

Why small space?

  • It's a space for families of small people (0-4's).

  • Having stopped all our activities when covid hit we are slowly restarting things as we are able with the time and volunteers we have - this isn't to replace stay and play, little explorers or cafe, but is a small space for a smaller number to gather as community.

  • It's a space to allow all of us small or big to spend a few minutes each week wondering about love, life, family and faith, through our weekly theme.

  • If you would appreciate a listening ear there is time and space for quiet conversation and if you are someone who values prayer to ask for prayer directly or via our descreet prayer box. 

Whilst the foundations of our sessions are rooted in our Christian faith, this is a group for all, whether you follow any faith or none.

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