
Baptism is a symbol of turning away from our old life (going into the water) and starting a new life with God (rising up out of the water). It is where we choose to accept God's offer of forgiveness and make our personal commitment to follow Jesus. During a baptism service an individual is baptised by being fully immersed in water and we pray that God would help them, through His Holy Spirit, to follow Him and serve Him all their life. 

Some churches baptise children as babies with a sprinkling of water on their heads. Here at Cairns, in line with the Baptist tradition, we believe that being baptised is something that should happen once an individual has chosen to follow God themselves, whether as a teenager or later in their life. Children are welcomed into the church through a service of dedication to give thanks to God for the child and also ask Him to help the parents and wider family in raising them. As a church we also promise to love and support the family in the years to come. 

If you would like to find out more about being baptised or dedicating a child please contact Maki Miςo on 0117 942 5669 or

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