
This group is a supportive community for mums of little ones. Created as a follow on to our Early Days group mums of new borns, Refresh focuses on nourishment for mums in the early years.

With time for the little ones to free play, we can check in with each other using our grumbles and gratitude's, reflecting on both joys and challenges of parenthood.

Then whilst both mums and little ones are physically refreshed with a drink and snack, we will use this time each week for a short facilitated discussion reflecting on one of the following 7 areas of wellbeing as a mum; Physical, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, creative, environmental.

We finish our morning with a bit more play and a time of rhyme and singing.

Each session costs £3 including refreshments, but don't want this to stop you attending, please come along anyway!

Fridays 10:30am- 12 noon - Term time only. If you would like to come along or find out more please contact Ruth on

Whilst the foundations of our sessions are rooted in our Christian faith, this is a group for all, whether you follow any faith or none.

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